Contest publication


Contest publication

to the

1. International Huntinghorn Contest

from 25th june Friday till 27th june 2010 Sunday, in Pécs

Contest publication:

The contest consist of five categories:

A.) category

Only composite B groups may start in this category with Frst Pless and Parforce honrs, use of ventil is forbidden (except for the B/Es change)
Pieces to perform
Signal / Piece
Tempo Composer Comment
 1. Assembling to hunt (Sammeln der Jager) 3/8 = 84 Version of Peter Paul Maierhofer based on Walter Frevert Notes can be downloaded
 2. Death of deer (Hirsch Tot) 3/8 = 63 Based on Reinhold Stief, 36. piece in the Handbook of Huntingmusic (Handbuch der Jagdmusik) I. Vol. BLV Publishing Mnchen, also can be downloaded
 3. Hungarian fanfare (Magyar fanfr) 1/4 = 104 Composition of Johann Hayden, op. 157; annex for composite horngroups - frts pless and parforce B Notes can be downloaded
 4. 1. Optional piece     The optional piece has to be at least 24 beats long and at least 4 phrase
 5. 2. Optional piece     The optional piece has to be at least 24 beats long and at least 4 phrase

B.) category

Only clear B groups may start in this category only with Frst Pless or only with Parforce honrs, use of ventil is forbidden (except for the B/Es change)
Pieces to perfom :
Signal / Piece
Tempo Composer Comment
 1. Assembling to hunt (Sammeln der Jager) 3/8 = 84 Version of Peter Paul Maierhofer based on Walter Frevert Notes can be downloaded
 2. Death of deer (Hirsch Tot) 3/8 = 63 Based on Josef Pschl, the 7. in the New Austrian Huntingmusic (Neue sterreichische Jagdmusik) 10. booklet Notes can be downloaded
 3. Hungarian fanfare (Magyar fanfar) 1/4 = 104 Composition of Johann Hayden, op. 157; annex for composite horngroups - frts pless and parforce B Notes can be downloaded
 4. 1. Optional piece     The optional piece has to be at least 24 beats long and at least 4 phrase
 5. 2. Optional piece     The optional piece has to be at least 24 beats long and at least 4 phrase

C.) category - ES horns

The groups may only start with Parforce Es horns in this category, the use of ventil is forbidden (except for B/Es change)
Pieces to perform:
Signal / Piece Tempo Composer Comment
 1. Festtagspolka 1/4 = 96 Hans Wagner Notes can be downloaded
 2. Hungarian Hunter March (Ungarischer Jagermarsch) 1/4 = 106 Anton O. Sollfelner Notes can be downloaded
 3. 1. Optional piece     The optional piece has to be at least 24 beats long and at least 4 phrase
 5. 2. Optional piece     The optional piece has to be at least 24 beats long and at least 4 phrase

D solo.) category - ES horns

Soloist horners may start in this category with Parforce Es horns, the use of ventil is forbidden (except for B/Es change)
Pieces to perform:
Signal / Piece Tempo Composer Comment
 1. Assembling to hunt (Sammeln der Jager) 3/8 = 84 Version of Peter Paul Maierhofer based on Walter Frevert notes can be downloaded, only the 1. leader phrase
 2. Death of deer (Hirsch Tot) 3/8 = 63 Based on Reinhold Stief notes can be downloaded, only the 1. leader phrase
 3. Optional piece     optional solo piece in Es, that has to be at least 24 beats long

E solo.) category - B horns

Soloist horners may start in this category with Frst Pless B or Parforce B horns, the use of ventil is forbidden (except for B/Es change)
Pieces to perform:
Signal / Piece Tempo Composer Comment
 1. Assembling to hunt (Sammeln der Jger) 3/8 = 84 Version of Peter Paul Maierhofer based on Walter Frevert notes can be downloaded, only the 1. leader phrase
 2. Death of deer (Hirsch Tot) 3/8 = 63 Based on Reinhold Stief notes can be downloaded, only the 1. leader phrase
 3. Optional piece     optional solo piece in B, that has to be at least 24 beats long

Contest valuation - Jury - Appraising judges

The international jury consist of the following persons:
Csapat I.
Jókai Square

Günther Lunemann - (NRW) – D
Peter Paul Maierhofer – (Stmk.) - A
János Rékai – (Szentlőrinc) - H
Mag. Petr Duda – (Prag) - Cz
Wolfgang Kastler – (OÖ) - A
Csapat II.
Színház Square

Johann Hayden – NÖ – A chairman
András Deichler – (Szigetvár) – H
Dr. Petr Vacek - (Prag) – Cz
Franc Purgaj - (Vojnik) – Slo
Prof. Mieczysław Leśniczak Pl*
*because of sickness of Mr. Sollfelner
The huntinghorn contest takes place in two separate locations without any influence to each other in the downtown of Pécs.


Assembling to Hunt - in each category (except C) - the appendix and acn be downloaded from the page under Notes.
Death of deer shall be performed by Reinhold Stief in A.) category from the vol. II. Of the Handbook of Huntmusic (Handbuch der Jagdmusik), BLV- Publishing Mnchen, the notes can be available by downloading too:
Death of deer in B.) category for Pless and Parforce B in the conversion of Josef Pschl - Pschl private publishing, A 8101 Gratkorn, Felix Seifertweg 3; Phone and Fax: +43 (0) 3124 - 23046, E-Mail:; or in the page
Hungarian Fanfare by Johann Hayden, compulsorily performed piece in A.) and B.) categories, the notes can be downloaded. Each phrases are available for the composite B groups - the clear Frts Pless Horners in B and the clear Parforce Horners in B. Mr. Johann Hayden was so kind to compose this piece as the honour for the hungarian colleagues and the contest in Pcs and gave free run of it with no expenses. The notes of the signals, pieces and the newly composed pieces - "Hungarian Hunting March" by Anton Othmar Sollfelner and the "Festtagspolka" by Hans Wagner - have been given by the composers on the occasion of the 1. Official Hungarian Huntinghorn Contest in Mszkemence. The Festtagspolka was presented for the first time on the latest CD of WINDHAG Parforcehorner Ensemble as the 9. track, and can be bought anytime in the page
  • In the page every necessary documents (Invitation, Program, Contest Publication, Application Form, Participaters List, Notes) related to the "1. International Huntinghorn Contest in Hungary" is available and can be downloaded.
  • A very important requirement that each documents related to the contest, including the necessary and free notes, has to be delivered by post.
  • Please don't miss to deliver us 6 copies (well readable quality) of the notes of each optional pieces, in the size of A/4 (each phrase) together with your application.
  • The changes made in the notes will be considered by the valuation judges.
A zsűri által alkalmazott hibajelölések a kottában >>

Contest regulations

  1. Each hornergroup has to have at least 6 members - the contest director, Peter Paul Maierhofer - -has the right to make an exception from this rule, upon the written exception request.
  3. The signals, the compulsory and the optional pieces has to be performed in the given order.
  5. Use of notes is not possible in general - anyway the faultless performance - without notes - will be valuated with the mayimum points by the jury.
  7. 5 points will be deducted by pieces and by judges in case of note usage in the A, B, D and E categories (except for the Es horn in C. category).
  9. The preformance order of the groups and soloists is assigned by the contest director after the application deadline.
  11. The hornmasters will be informed on time before the contest about the exact time of start. The jury can allow requested start time if that is possible!
  13. It is strictly forbidden to blow in in the location of the contest, near the location or in the open air in favour of avoiding the disturbance of the contest. There will be a possibility to blow in and to tune close to the locations in a school building.
  14.  Each groups and soloists can perform one piece (max. 8 beats) after their stand up as a blow in, and this piece will not be part of their repertoire and the jury will not value it. These pieces may not be any of the Signal-groups and any of the pieces performed to valuation. Post tuning is possible and allowed.
  15. International judges are doing the valuation of the participants - no point of law. The appraising judges are valuing the musical performance and the appearance of each groups and soloists. The valuation will take place as it is appropriate to the actually used huntinghorn contest judge criteria in Austria.
  17. The scoring starts from the standing up and lasts until the performers leave the stage. The tempo of the performance has to be set to metronome, while tone the quick performance.
  19. The optional pieces are classified upon difficulty. All known huntermusic can be found in the collection of Prof. Franz Stttner (Datas & Notearchive) and they are classified fitting to their difficulty.
  21. The difficult pieces - marked 3 - are valued with maximum points by the jury in this contest. Automatically 2 and 4 points will be deducted by each judge during the electronical valuation in the case of the medium difficult - marked 2 - and the easy - marked 1 - pieces.
  23. Those optional pieces, that can't be found in this collection, will be valued and classified by experienced judges as soon as the notes - scores come to their hand.
  25. The best and the worst points will be deleted automatically during the valuation of the results in each category - in case of every signal and piece.
  27. Any member of any group has the right to participate in the soloists contest. The accompanying persons and relatives of the groups do not have to perform as soloists, but of course we take it as a pleasure.
  29. Huntinghorner is everyone who is a regular member of a Hunting Association or Huntinghorn Ensemble.
  31. In case if there will be 2 or more soloists from one group, the Mecsek Forestry Co. Ltd. Takes over the enter fee.
  33. The huntinghorner groups has to stand up in a uniform - clorsed clothing and if possible organic horns (for example the plain horns - ventil horn - shouldn't be mixed with pocket horns, stc.) In case of soloists the hunter costume is required.
  35. All horners has to stand up as a member of a group. Exception: possible change from A and B category to Es.
  37. The hornmasters can perform in every group where they officially hold this position. There is the possibility to random controll.
  39. Each contestant ha to be an active, constant member of the Hunting Association and the horner group with his/her application has been given in. The hornmaster gives his/her responsibility for the rightness of the given datas with his/her signature, and in the case of a possible controll has to certify their actuality.
  41. Each horner may only perform in their own horner group. The horners may only perform in the group they are a member anyway.
  43. Every hornergroup may perform in all the three categories, but in one category only one time.
  45. It is forbidden to use ventil during the valued performance of the signals and the compositions, except for the change-ventil in case of Parforce horns and during the changes from Es to B and from B to Es.
  47. Usage of note stands are forbidden in any form.
  49. The hornmaster stands in the group and not in front of it, conduction is not allowed.
  51. Every pieces to be performed in case of composite B groups in A category has to be blown in 4 phrase, meaning that at least two Parforce horns are needed.


We are expecting the application of groups and soloists also, until the 30th april 2010. The unfailing filled and signed applications and the "Participaters list" in writing shall be sent to the organizers address: Mecsek Forestry Co. Ltd. - Hunters Office H-7623 Pcs, Rt street 8. Informations are available: Phone.: +3672 508-261 or cell: +3630 249-5250
As the participants number in the international huntinghorn contest is limited, the application deadline depending on the number of the arrived applications, can be shifted to az earlier date. The participation places are filled up accoring to the arrival of the enter fees and application forms.
The scores fo the optional pieces in 6 copies has to be attached to the sent application (every phrase has to be attached - that is missing, can't be valued!) and the enter fee has to be transferred (cost and charge free for the recipient).

Enter fee

The enter fee for groups is 150 Euro, for soloists 30Euro. The enter fee has to be transferred in the same time with the sending of the application and a copy of the warrant has to be also attached. Those groups that has 2 or more soloist applicants, do not have to pay the enter fee for the soloists, the Mecsek Forestry Co. Ltd. takes it over.
Payment has to be made by bank transfer to the account of Mecsek Forestry Co. Ltd. at CIB Central European International Bank. IBAN number: HU69 1070 0055 2506 6007 5000 0005, Swift code: CIBHHUHB, GIRO account number: 10700055-25066007-50000005 please definitely note: "enter fee, huntinghorn contest 2010" and the "name of the group".
The applications can only be accepted if the enter fee has arrived. The enter fee can not be refunded by any means.

General informations

  1. Presence commitment: The applied groups has to present themselves at least one hour before their planned performance in the location of the contest, and the also have to check in the contest office to verify their aim to perform. The exact performance time will be sent in writing to the hornmasters and the signed contact person.
  3. Valuation: The pointing starts at the time of standing up and leasts until the groups/soloists leave the stage. The final result will contain the name of the group, nation, hornmaster and the province.
  5. Pointing: in B category maximum 900 points can be given for the appropriate performance of the 5 pieces. Achievment prize can be given as follows: Bronze till 639 points, Silver from 640 till 769 points Gold from 770 till 900 points.
  7. Pointing the Es horn groups: The maximum available points 720. Till 431 points bronze, from 432 till 575 points silver, over 575 points gold achievment prize will be given.
  9. Pointing the soloists: The maximum available points 540, for the appropriate performance of the three pieces. The achievment prize for soloists will be given as follows: Bronze from 250 till 405 points, Silver from 406 till 480 points, Gold from 481 till 540 points.
  11. The winner will get a challenge-prize as a gilded huntinghorn. After three times of winning, the prize will be the own holding of the horner. Achievment prize for soloist and diploma will be given to every B and Es soloists.
  13. Achievment prize: Every participater - without referene to taking part in the contest as a group member or soloist - will receive az achievment prize in bronze, silver or gold - according to their achievment.
  15. Diploma: Every group and soloists receive a diploma of the achieved points and placing as the verification of their participation. The diploma and the valuation will be given to every participants during the Award Ceremony, but if possible in the end of the contest.
  17. Honour prize, trophy: The organizer will give a honour prize and a trophy for the best placings. The bests of each nations will receive honour prize.
  19. We ask the winners of each category to perform an optional piece during the Award Ceremony.
  21. Every participants who has given in application accepts the contest rules. Breaking the rules fo the contest implicates immediate disqualification from the contest. In case of protestation the leaders and the director of the contest will bring an immediate judgement, that judgement is final (no point of law). In case of disqualification the group or the soloist can not get placing, and can not claim for any possible prizes. The enter fee will not be refunded.
  23. The starting order, the possible time schedule and the exact description of the contest offices reach, parking possibilies (with map) and the the detailed program of the international huntinghorn contest will be sent in writing to each applied groups and soloists at least 14 days before the contest.
  25. Every applicant can order an entry ticket to the International Huntinghorn Concert that will take place in Expo Center on the 25th June 2010, for the prize of 8Euro.
  27. The international Hubertus Mass will take place in the Cathedral of Pcs on the 27th June 2010, Sunday with the contribution of the participant nations. We also expecting the applications of those groups who would like to take active part in the worship.
  29. Every hornergroup will have the chance to show their knowledge after the worship to all the inquirers in the beautiful central of Pcs, the Szchenyi Square. Please announce us the participation aim.
  31. Every participants of the contest has the opportunity to introduce themselves in our webpage. Please send to our office a photo of the group and a short description of the group history.
  33. Just like in Mszkemence in 2009, the whole event will be recorded on DVD. This DVD will be available for buying to all participants and guests.
All the latest informations on the contest, tourism and accomodation possibilities, places of interest in Pcs and the sorrounding location can be found on the renewed webpage of the Mecsek Forestry Co. Ltd. (main sponsor), that is at the same time the hungarian huntinghorn contests webpage -, the town of Pcs, and the Pcs 2010 - Cultural Capitol of Europe
We are looking forward to meet You again in the 1. International Huntinghorn Contest in Hungary to attend a nice, succesfull contest.
Friendly greetings, hunters greetings to all our horner friends, wit horn- and singing weaves and the huntinghorners greeting

"Horn up - blow"


Graz, 17th November 2009


The huntinghorn contests director in Pécs:


Peter Paul Maierhofer

Download:: Contest publication >>

Application form

Participants list



magyar fanfar_gem.jbg_pless 3.stimme.pdf
sammeln der jager -gem.jbg- satz peter p maierhofer.pdf


hirsch tot - rein pless u parforce b -poschl.pdf
magyar fanfar_furst pless_horn 1.stimme.pdf
magyar fanfar_parforce b_1.stimme.pdf
magyar fanfar_parforce b_ 2.stimme.pdf
magyar fanfar_parforce b_3.stimme.pdf
magyar fanfar_parforce b_ 4.stimme.pdf
magyar fanfar_parforce b_partitur kompl.pdf
magyar fanfar_pless 2. stimme.pdf
magyar fanfar_reine furst pless horn_partitur.pdf
magyar fanfar_reine furst pless_horn 3.stimme.pdf
magyar fanfar_reine furst pless_horn 4.stimme.pdf
sammeln der jager - satz maierhofer rein b u gemischte jbg.pdf


festtagspolka von hans wagner_1 parforce es.pdf
festtagspolka von hans wagner_2 parforce es.pdf
festtagspolka von hans wagner_3 parforce es.pdf
festtagspolka von hans wagner_4 parforce es.pdf
festtagspolka von hans wagner_partitur-parforce es.pdf
ungarischer jagermarsch von sollfelner-1 parforce in es.pdf
ungarischer jagermarsch von sollfelner_2 parforce in es.pdf
ungarischer jagermarsch von sollfelner_3 parforce in es.pdf
ungarischer jagermarsch von sollfelner_4 parforce in es.pdf
ungarischer jagermarsch von sollfelner_partitur_parforce in es.pdf


hirsch tot_solo.pdf
sammeln der jager_solo.pdf


hirsch tot_solo.pdf
sammeln der jager_solo.pdf

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