

If You have any questions according to the 1. International Hunting Horn Competition, please get in connection to one of our colleagues listed below.


Contest Principal

Feldgasse 8/39
Peter Paul Maierhofer - contest principal
Tel./fax: +43 316 271970
Mobil: +43 664 344 2952
Mecsek Forestry Co. Ltd.
H-7623 Pécs, Rét u. 8.
Kelle Veronika - organizer, Mecsek Forestry Ltd. (English language)
Tel: +36(30) 249-5250
Tunyoghyné Bolygó Etelka - organizer, Mecsek Forestry Ltd. (German language)
Tel: +36 (30) 444-6643
Szijártó Tibor -hunting and tourism director, Mecsek Forestry Ltd. (German language)
Tel: +36 (30) 663-1063

Mecsekerdő Zrt.