Our Tasks

Game management
Our stock of big games consists of deer, wild boars and fallow-deer appearing from time to time. Red deer represent excellent genetic value even on national level. However, greater attention shall only be paid to it - as part of the forest's biocenosis - in case of a balanced forest- and game management.
It is an overall objective to create a balanced living environment that allows natural renewal without the necessity of constant protection. This can be achieved by further continuous stock management.
Fallow-deer continuously leaking in from the neighbouring territories must completely be forced back, since they are not natural biocenosis partners for the red deer being much more precious.
Also the program of building and modernising preserves for wild-boars serves the purposes of improving biocenosis stability.
The radical reducing of the roe-deer stock is justified by the priority of forest management as roe-deer cause more and more damage to closed forest blocks.
The management of forests having a special role
This category includes forests with primary functions of sport, tourism, recreation and (nature) preservation.
Such forests are particularly important in the neighbourhood of the cities of Pécs and Komló. 13 % of our forests fall within this category.
The principle of management is supporting the primary function and only well managed growing stocks - with the exception of natural reserves - can comply with the above requirements. For this reason, wood utilisation interventions - especially in older (80-100 years old) recreational forests - are restricted to methods extended to several years (30-60 years) affecting small territories (so called selective cut method). This way the ecological balance of the forest's biocenosis is not disturbed and our cities are surrounded by multi-aged, multi-level, mixed forests that have an aesthetically appealing, diversified outlook.