"The jewel of nature" offers the enjoyment of fresh fruit in the form of fruit juice.
It is a well-known fact that fruits have a wholesome effect on our organism and their consumption is a vital part of a healthy diet. Our corporation has recognized the importance of a healthy diet, as well as the valuable active substances in fruits, and therefore, since autumn 2007, we have been producing natural fruit juices at our site for takeover and subsequent processing of forest by-products in Kárász. The fruit content of the Naturale product family is actually 100%. During processing, the fresh and ripe fruits preserve their vitamin content, their original taste and the special "Bag-In-Box" packaging guaranties the preservation without chemicals.
Our product family is not reconstituted from concentrates;
it is indeed of 100% fresh pressed Naturale fruit juice.
it is indeed of 100% fresh pressed Naturale fruit juice.
A quick heat treatment of the fresh pressed juice is performed to preserve the natural beneficial physiologic qualities of the fruits.
Absolutely NO additives (preservatives, flavours, water, sugar etc.) are added to the high-fibre Naturale fruit juice.
The "BAG-In-Box" packaging makes it possible that the fruit juice preserves its quality up to 3 weeks after opening.
For our products we use fruits exclusively from Hungary.
Naturale corresponds to the strictest quality requirements and the regulations of the food industry - it is of premium quality.
Our products can be purchased at our headquarters, at the forest management offices and at the market hall (Vásárcsarnok) in Pécs:
Mecsek Forestry headquarters: - 7623 Pécs, Rét u. 8.
Office in Árpádtető - 7628 Pécs-Árpádtető 3.
Office in Sásd - 7370 Sásd, Rákóczi u. 49.
Office in Pécsvárad - 7720 Pécsvárad, Fáy András u. 2.
Office in Sellye - 7960 Sellye, Mátyás király u. 87.
Office in Szigetvár - 7900 Szigetvár, Istvánffy u. 10.
Market hall in Pécs - 7622 Pécs, Bajcsy-Zs. u. 25.