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Dear Orienteering Sports Partners!
Let me kindly invite you to the picturesque Orfű in Mecsek this summer, where we are organizing the 22nd European Foresters’ Orienteering Championships jointly with The Hungarian Forestry Association and "Orienteering-Pécs" Fundation between August 10 and 15. More than 400 competitors will participate in the long tradition forester championships from 13 different countries.
The five-day event contains traditional events, like a forestry workshop, a field trip and a banquet, in addition to the sprint, middle distance, and relay races.
We’re waiting for applicants from the fields of forestry, wood industry and conservation, as well as colleages of educational and research institutions related to these professions -- both active and retired -- along with subcontractors, other private forest owners, forestry education individuals, and their respective closest family members to participate.
There will be an open category too where anyone is welcome to enter the competitons without constraints.
Please submit applications by: 31/05/2015

Mr. László Keszi Mr. Péter Zambó
CEO chairman
Mecsekerdő Forestry Co. Ltd. Hungarian Forestry Association