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Timber Trade

Manufactured wood products, selection

Within the framework of the Forestry Management plan of the Mecsek Forestry Joint Stock Company the annual timber growth is estimated about 310,000 cubic meter,out of which approximately 260,000 cubic meter is felled and marketed. During the felling selection we adhere to the Hungarian National Standard's normative, however we may deviate from it to meet market needs.
Annually, we produce 63,000 m3 log. Most of it, 51,000 m3 is saw-log and 12,000 m3 knifing and peeling log of better quality for the board industry. Beside logs we produce almost 7,500 m3 other kinds of saw industrial raw-material, most of which is manufactured in smaller saw-mills operating nearby the Joint Stock Company. We supply the market with 10,000 m3 of pulpwood, 93,000 m3 of small-round wood as well as 86,000 m3 of firewood annually.
We export our products as well - it is handled through LIGNIWOOD KFT - it accounts for 25% of our production. The majority of pulpwood goes to foreign markets. The export of small-round wood is significant and there is a growing demand for properly prepared firewood.
Our most important selections by wood types
Description Type of Wood Amounts produced annually (m3)
Board Industry Log oak 3 500
  Turkey oak 800
  beech 5 000
  fine poplar 1 800
  lime 900
Saw-Log oak 20 500
  Turkey oak 6 500
  beech 14 000
  hornbeam 2 000
  acacia 1 600
  ash 1 400
  fine poplar 1 200
  home poplar 600
  lime 2 700
  fir 500
Manufactured Wood oak 3 700
  beech 2 000
  acacia 900
  other 900
Pulpwood beech 5 000
  lime 4 200
  poplar 800
Small-round Wood oak 24 000
  Turkey oak 20 000
  beech 14 000
  hornbeam 13 000
  other hardwood 6 000
  poplar 2 000
  lime 7 500
  other soft wood 1 500
  fir 500
Fire-wood acacia 6 000
  other 80 500
80% of manufactured wood products are sold to our contracted partners. Contracts are handled by the Trade Department of Mecsek Forestry Joint Stock Company. The remaining 20% is marketed by the local forestry offices. We undertake a big part of supplying firewood to customers. Chopped fire wood is sold at our Szigetvár site, billet-wood is sold at every forestry office. If our clients buy in bulk, we deliver the products to them.

Our fire-wood prices (valid from 01. September 2000.)
Acacia fire-wood 7 500 HUF/m3
Hard fire-wood 6 700 HUF/m3
Chopped acacia fire-wood 11 000 HUF/100kg
Chopped oak fire-wood 10 000 HUF/100kg
Our extensive marketing network and the high volume trade of our own products enables us to market at favourable terms wood products and cylindrical logs produced by other forest-farmers neighbouring the joint stock company.
We can purchase prime selections at a high price, nevertheless buying the whole selection fits the business concept of the joint stock company the most. The lumber purchase and re-sale is handled by the trade department of Mecsekerdő Zrt.