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The Naturale product family


Pure Apple juice

In the 3 litre boxes we have bottled up the juice of 4,5 kg apples
In our factory in Kárász we first started with the processing of apples, but the production line is capable of working with every type of forest fruit and even some sorts of vegetables. The fruit juice is indeed of 100%, it does not include neither additives nor flavours, and therefore its taste and consistency depends on the kind of apples processed. The dry material content is 10-14%.
A rhyme of old says: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". This fruit has great values in every aspect. Besides their content of vitamins (C, A and B), folic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sulphur, a substance called pectin is a characteristic component of apples. It has a good influence on the gut flora and a detoxifying, purifying effect on the entire organism, thus relieving the kidneys and reducing the formation of kidney stones and uric acid.
The Naturale pure apple juice won the Special Prize for Innovation at the innoLignum Trade Fair and Programme Series of Forestry and Wood Industry in Sopron in 2008.
Packaging sets:
  • 0,3 litre foil bag, sealed with a screw cap
  • 3 litre foil bag, placed in a carton box
Enjoy this jewel of nature in several flavours!
Apart from 100% apple juice we also produce 100% sour cherry juice, as well as flavoured fruit juices. In the case of flavoured juices we mix apple juice with the 100% pure pressed juice of the fruits used for flavouring. In this way, you can enjoy the extraordinary taste of apple juice mixed with blackcurrants, sour cherries, blackberries or elderberries.

Pure sour cherries

The 100% sour cherry juice is recommended to gourmets, as the pure juice of the fruit is a real speciality. It is rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2 and C) and minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc), and, in addition, its consumption is recommended because of its antioxidative effect. The sour cherry juice promotes the digestion, the intestinal peristalsis and, owing to its vitamin B content, the decomposition and absorption of starch and proteins. It has a vitalizing effect on the functions of the nerves. Its organic acids contribute to the cleaning of the blood vessels, they promote the nephritic activity, the metabolism and have an excellent diuretic (draining) effect. The juice of sour cherries is one of the best antidotes for the treatment of colds and flu. In case of a cold, the recommended amount for consumption is 0,2-0,3 litres per day..
Packaging: 3 litre foil bag, placed in a carton box.

Apple juice with sour cherries

In this product, the beneficial, detoxifying effects of apples and sour cherries on the organism have been merged. Contrary to the harsh taste of pure sour cherry juice, the consumer experiences a sweeter flavour because of the apples.
Packaging: 3 litre foil bag, placed in a carton box.

Apple juice with blackberries

A remarkably delicious product with its harmonic flavours. The sourer, smaller, wild variation of the blackberry may be well-known among hikers of the forests. It contains ten times more manganese than the sweeter, cultivated fruit with bigger berries. Blackberries are one of the oldest fruits collected, as they were already known in primeval times a fruit-bearing wild plant of the fields and forests. They contain vitamin C and A, different trace elements, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus in huge amounts. The fruit juice helps against anaemia; it is beneficial to cure cold with fever, hoarseness of the voice and vocal cord problems.
Packaging sets:
  • 0,3 litre foil bag, sealed with a screw cap
  • 3 litre foil bag, placed in a carton box

Apple juice with elderberries

The striking aroma suggests a true product of the forest. The fruit of the elder contains fruit acids, vitamins, tannic substances and anthocyanin pigments. Some may think that our fruit juice is produced from the source material of the popular elderberry syrup, the elderflower blossoms, but in this case the 100% juice of the elderberries is mixed with apple juice. The product has a sudorific and diuretic effect, it is good against constipation, but the remedial effects of the elderberries also include treatment for sleeplessness, migraine and painful nervous inflammations.
Packaging sets:
  • 0,3 litre foil bag, sealed with a screw cap
  • 3 litre foil bag, placed in a carton box

Apple juice with blackcurrant

The presence of valuable substances with rewarding physiological effects contained in blackcurrants is already indicated in the colour of the fruit. These substances are also included in our product, completed by the natural character of the apples. Among its active ingredients we can find trace elements, flavonoids, essential oils, tannic substances, rutin, as well as vitamins (B, C, and P). The well-known physiological influences of the fruit include its diuretic and sudorific effects, mild blood pressure depression, relief of gout symptoms and rheumatic complaints, as well as blood cleansing. Therefore the fruit is also used for relieving the diseases of the bladder, the kidney and the prostate, it is a remedy for rheumatic problems and it is applied to reduce blood pressure.
The easily digestible sugars and the organic acids alkalize the body with their combustion, and at the same time they burn numerous decomposition products of the metabolism. Their high content of vitamin C is good defence against influenza; it strengthens the immune system and fights tiredness. The cells receive protection against cancer processes. Due to the iron-, manganese- and copper content the number of red blood cells and haemoglobin increases, thus making the fruit an excellent natural remedy for iron deficiency anemia in women and children.
Packaging: 3 litre foil bag, placed in a carton box.
The consumption of our products is recommended...
... if you wish to drink vitalizing fruit juices rich in vitamins but free of additives,
... if you want to increase the resistance of your organism,
... if your own health and the health of your children is important for you,
... if you suffer from diabetes,
... if you wish to strengthen your immune system in the natural way,
... if you are about to start a detoxifying cure.